Before meeting Becky, I was ready to slide into an uncomfortable and overweight middle-aged existence. My low-back hurt all the time and my sciatica would put me down regularly. Chiropractic treatments provided temporary relief at best. Becky taught me how my low back and body worked. I learned to appreciate small incremental improvements – that that slow, consistent movements done in good form is restorative and longer lasting. She helped me create a personalized routine that I still practice today. I gained awareness of my body position, balance and how I move throughout the day. All these little lessons added up to no longer experiencing nagging-to-debilitating pain and regaining my strength and mobility. I’m gardening, working on my feet all day is a breeze, and I now workout several times a week. As a bonus, I lost about 30 lbs over the last year. I owe her my renewed wellbeing.